In the latest issue of Dragon Ball Super, fans received a poignant farewell from the legendary manga creator, Akira Toriyama. The final page of Chapter 103 features a heartwarming moment as Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo collect Goku’s granddaughter, Pan, from kindergarten. As they depart, Piccolo turns back and waves, seemingly bidding farewell to the readers.
This gesture holds special significance as Piccolo was known to be Toriyama’s favorite character in the Dragon Ball series. While Toriyama ceased drawing full pages some years ago, he continued to contribute to Dragon Ball Super’s narrative and provided artistic guidance to his successor, Toyotarou.
Toyotarou confirmed on Twitter that Piccolo’s wave was an addition by Toriyama himself, further emphasizing the emotional resonance of this farewell. Additionally, a tribute to Toriyama from the English language team accompanies the page, expressing their sadness and gratitude for his work.
As Dragon Ball Super prepares to go on hiatus after April’s issue, fans reflect on Toriyama’s lasting legacy in the world of manga. Meanwhile, Toriyama’s other project, Sand Land, has recently debuted as an anime series, receiving praise from both fans and critics alike.
Toriyama’s final contribution to Dragon Ball Super serves as a touching farewell to one of the greatest manga creators of all time, leaving fans with a lasting reminder of his talent and influence in the industry.