
Game Developers Criticize Neil Druckmann’s Comments on AI in Game Development

Neil Druckmann, director of The Last of Us and co-president of Naughty Dog, faces backlash from game developers after his recent remarks supporting the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in game development. Druckmann suggested that AI could help developers undertake more ambitious projects and push the boundaries of storytelling by reducing costs and technical challenges.

Druckmann acknowledged the ethical issues related to AI but emphasized its potential to create nuanced dialogues and characters, likening the shift to the studio’s previous transition from hand-drawn animation to motion capture. This view sparked criticism within the gaming community.

David Gaider, creator of the Dragon Age setting, criticized Druckmann on Twitter, arguing that AI undermines the collaborative nature of game development and the passion of human storytellers. Freelance writer Nessa Cannon expressed skepticism about AI’s ability to generate quality content, challenging Druckmann to demonstrate AI’s capability in enhancing storytelling.

Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida also weighed in, asserting that AI should support human creativity rather than replace it.

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