Ghost of Tsushima, the acclaimed open-world samurai game initially released in 2020 for PS4, has become PlayStation’s most successful single-player launch on PC, surpassing previous hits like God of War and Marvel’s Spider-Man in terms of concurrent player counts.
The Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, which includes the original game, exclusive armor sets, developer commentary, and the Legends co-op mode, was released on Steam on May 16. It has quickly garnered significant attention, with a peak concurrent player count of 75,000 according to SteamDB.
This surpasses the peaks of other major PlayStation titles on PC, including God of War’s 73,000 and Marvel’s Spider-Man’s 66,000. Horizon: Zero Dawn and Horizon: Forbidden West also trail behind with peaks of 56,000 and 40,000, respectively.
While Helldivers 2 remains the top PlayStation-published game on PC with a peak of 458,000 concurrent players, Ghost of Tsushima’s success is noteworthy, especially considering it was ported years after its initial release.
However, the PC release did face some controversy. Similar to Helldivers 2, Ghost of Tsushima required players to link to an active PlayStation Network account, leading to a review bombing campaign and the game’s delisting in several countries. Sony eventually removed this requirement for Helldivers 2, but it remains for Ghost of Tsushima’s online co-op mode.
Despite these issues, the PC port has been well-received, with players praising its quality and performance.