Movies Superhero

Hideo Kojima Reviews Madame Web In Just Six Words

Buckle up, film enthusiasts! Hideo Kojima, the maestro of gaming and film critique, has thrown down his verdict on Madame Web, and it’s sending shockwaves through the cinematic universe.

Known for his succinct one-sentence reviews, Kojima’s take on Madame Web is no exception: “Saw ‘Madame Web’ at the theater.” That’s it – six words that speak volumes. By Kojima’s unwritten rule, short reviews equate to bad movies, and Madame Web seems to fall into this category.

The Spider-Man Universe spin-off, starring Dakota Johnson, has faced commercial and critical disappointment, with a meager $90 million at the box office and a mere 13% on Rotten Tomatoes. Kojima’s concise review only adds to the chorus of dissatisfaction surrounding the film.

This isn’t the first time Kojima has wielded his succinct reviewing style. Previous victims include 2017’s The Mummy and X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Madame Web now joins this elite club of movies that have received the brief but impactful Kojima treatment.

On the flip side, Kojima’s enthusiasm shines through in his praise for Marvel Studios’ Disney Plus series Moon Knight, featuring Oscar Isaac. In a more elaborate review, he gushes about the series’ originality, artwork, world, direction, and pacing, highlighting Isaac’s excellent casting in a unique and challenging role.

As Kojima dips his toes into Hollywood with a Death Stranding movie in collaboration with A24, his insights into the challenges of adapting games into films provide a glimpse into his evolving relationship with the world of cinema.

So there you have it – Kojima’s cinematic verdict on Madame Web echoes through Twitter, leaving movie buffs and Spider-Man fans in contemplation. Stay tuned for more cinematic musings from the gaming icon!

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