Entertainment News

Jeff Hardy Arrested for DUI

Jeff Hardy, former WWE superstar and now current AEW wrestler has been arrested for DUI and other charges. This is the star’s third DUI offense in three years. He was arrested Monday in Florida on DUI and other charges according to the police. 

Jeff Hardy, who is 44, was arrested for driving while his license is canceled/ revoked, DUI, and not having a DUI interlock system in his vehicle. This is his third degree felony and also his third DUI in the last 5 years. 

Hardy was picked up by Florida Highway Patrol in Volusia County on Interstate-4. The Police say Hardy was seen, “swerving all over the roadway, failing to maintain his lane and running off the roadway…”

Police then go on to say Hardy admitted to having had drinks earlier in the day. Hardy then agreed to take two breathalyzer tests and his reading blew 0.294 and 0.291. The legal limit in the state of Florida is 0.08. 

This isn’t Hardy first run in with battling the demon in the bottle, he was arrested in his home state of North Carolina in both 2018 and 2019 for driving while under the influence. He was also arrested for public intoxication in July 2019 while in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 

Hardy is most well known for his high flying style in the WWE, where he and his brother Matt Hardy went on to perform many legendary feats in the rings. Even though he left the company in 2021, and joined up with AEW, his efforts in the ring has cemented his legendary status in the wrestling community. 

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