Mary Kenney, the story lead for Marvel’s Wolverine, has left Sony to join CD Projekt Red (CDPR), the studio behind The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. This move marks the second departure from Sony to CDPR in three months, following Marvel’s Wolverine art director Aaron Habibipour.
Kenney announced her new role on LinkedIn, stating, “Today was my first day as a senior writer at CD Projekt RED … I can’t wait to talk more about my project, I’m thrilled to be getting back into RPGs, and my team is talented, welcoming, and just flat-out cool.”
Kenney joined Insomniac Games in March 2019 and contributed to Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020) and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (2021). Her departure comes amidst ongoing development for Marvel’s Wolverine, which was first revealed in September 2021 but has had few updates since.
The game is still in early production, with no confirmed release date. Meanwhile, CDPR continues to recruit top talent for its upcoming projects, including the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, Project Orion, which has already attracted veterans from Control, Diablo, and BioWare RPGs.
Kenney’s transition to CDPR signifies her return to RPG development, aligning with her previous work at Telltale Games and her excitement about the narrative opportunities at CDPR. The industry will be watching closely to see how her experience shapes CDPR’s future titles.