Masahiro Sakurai, the esteemed creator of the Kirby and Super Smash Bros. series, has recently shared his insights on the importance of launching games with minimal bugs. Speaking in the latest episode of his YouTube series, “Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games,” Sakurai emphasized that while post-release patches and DLC can enhance games, developers should strive to release their titles in the best possible condition from the start.
Sakurai stresses that no matter how many patches are released post-launch, they are meaningless if players have already abandoned the game due to initial issues. Therefore, he advocates for ensuring the game is in the best possible condition from the outset.
Sakurai’s advice resonates with his own experience at Nintendo, where first-party games are often noted for their polished releases. His perspective sheds light on the challenges of modern game development and underscores the importance of a strong initial launch to retain player interest.
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