The director of “The Godfather,” Francis Ford Coppola, has provided a first glimpse into his long-cherished sci-fi project, “Megalopolis.” The film, conceived by Coppola in the ’80s, unfolds in a post-disaster New York City. Its narrative revolves around a woman caught between her father’s conservative views and her lover’s ambition to transform the city into a utopia after its collapse.
The shared image, appearing on Coppola’s Instagram, offers a glimpse of the city’s turmoil, featuring a toppled statue and streets in disarray. The star-studded cast includes Adam Driver, Aubrey Plaza, Giancarlo Esposito, Laurence Fishburne, Chloe Fineman, Shia LaBeouf, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Jason Schwartzman.
Although the film underwent various iterations and cast changes, official filming commenced in 2022, wrapping up last year. While a specific release date is pending, “Megalopolis” is anticipated to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.